< Kentucky HydroGrafx Upgrade Form

Kentucky HydroGrafx Map Upgrade Form

Print order form. List quantity of each item you would like. Calculate the totals in the right column. Add tax if applicable. Add shipping. Mail order form with check or money order to address below.
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This form is to be used when receiving special pricing on new products that are either an upgrade to something you already own or when a new product includes a duplication of data you already purchased.
The list of upgrades will grow primarily related to the new Sidescan imagery. Typically, sidescanning will result in additional coverage on areas that are relatively flat. These areas are usually avoided in the time consuming topo mapping process. Sidescan data also includes topo layers that you may already have as well.
Since this is a bit too complex to deal with on the TN Outdoor Sales website, special upgrades will be handled by mail-in order. Please email us if immediate shipment is required.

Required Information*

How do we know who is eligible?

We maintain a comprehensive list of previous customers. This database was started in early 2001 when Kentucky HydroGrafx officially started business. In the rare event that we do not have record of your purchase, you will be asked to mail the original disk back to us. As soon as the disk is received, the new disk will be mailed ASAP. If you received the disk as a gift, you might need to mail the disk in for upgrade.

City, State*
Email address*
Where purchased (Online, Mail-in order, Boat Show)*
Phone number*

Set eligible for an upgrade discount
Reason for Eligibility
Full Price
SIDESCAN -- KY Lake East Side South
(Kentucky Lake
KY Lk East Side South (Topo & 3D) includes some of the topography in Index maps for Sidescan Data
SIDESCAN -- KY Lake Northwest
(Kentucky Lake

KY Lk Nw(Topo & 3D) includes some of the topography in Index maps for Sidescan Data

SIDESCAN -- Donaldson Creek
(Barkley Lake
Donaldson Creek (Topo & 3D) includes some of the topography in Index maps for Sidescan Data
SIDESCAN -- Eddy Creek
(Barkley Lake
Eddy Creek (Topo & 3D) includes some of the topography in Index maps for Sidescan Data
SIDESCAN -- Big Sandy South
(Kentucky Lake
Big Sandy South (Topo & 3D) includes some of the topography in Index maps for Sidescan Data

SIDESCAN -- Big Sandy North
(Kentucky Lake

Big Sandy North (Topo & 3D) includes most of the topography in Index maps for Sidescan Data
SIDESCAN -- Blood River
(Kentucky Lake
Blood River (Topo & 3D) includes some of the topography in Index maps for Sidescan Data
SIDESCAN -- Jonathan Creek
(Kentucky Lake
Jonathan (Topo & 3D) includes some of the topography in Index maps for Sidescan Data
Sub Total
Add 6% tax if KY Res.
If you want to confirm the amount before ordering, please email us at: pdghahs@kentuckyhydrografx.com Increased 14 May 2007
due to postal rate increase
Shipping & Handling
(1st class mail)
Grand Total

Make Check or Money order payable to:  
Enter address to mail item below
Kentucky HydroGrafx, LLC
P.O. Box 642
Murray, KY 42071
City State Zip
Email address: